Clean Tech and Advanced Materials for Today’s World
High performance composites
Engine beauty cover
Nanocellulose composites
Complex 3D printing shapes
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Flexible Nanocellulose film
GNT Technology
GNT provides a range of new materials for advanced applications in modern life based on cutting-edge bio-nanotechnology. The nanocellulose produced by GNT has unique properties suitable for advanced applications such as coating, nanocomposites, OLED applications.
Our Facilities
GNT facilities has advanced equipment for development and manufacturing new nanocellulose-based products.
We offer a wide range of high performance materials for auto industry, electronic devices, aerospace, cosmetic and construction.
Our advanced materials and process technology are a combination of GNT developed and exclusively licensed IP, including technology invented at the University of Toronto. GNT is presently operating a manufacturing plant in Toronto, Ontario to produce commercial quantities of nanocellulose and high-performance films and to develop future products.